WEBINAR: Interactive Accommodation Process in the Workplace
Online WebinarEmployers MUST initiate the interactive process once aware of the need for accommodation. Learn how to use this important process and more.
NEW WEBINAR: Hot Topics from the EAC Hot Line
Online WebinarAnita York, one of the CEAC's Hot Line attorneys, will share some of the most current and frequently asked questions and answers from the Manager's Hot Line, including topics such as COVID, the FFCRA, Employee Absenteeism, Severance Agreements, and more.
WEBINAR: Managing Political Tension in the Workplace
Online WebinarIn a few weeks, our country will be holding one of the most contentious elections in years with both sides strongly defending their positions. Under these conditions, free speech at your company can easily turn into loud-mouth bullying or create other problems. So how do employers make sure that their workers continue to feel comfortable at work?
NEW WEBINAR: Sexual Harassment Training for Managers
Online WebinarThe Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH) deadline to provide Sexual Harassment Training to managers must be completed by January 1, 2021. This training will allow you to meet the requirements for all those that have not been trained within the statutory period, as
WEBINAR: Annual Wage & Hour Update
Embassy Suites 11767 Harbor Blvd., Garden Grove, CA, United StatesOur annual Wage and Hour program will provide you with the latest information and show you how to protect yourself and your business.
Webinar: New Laws for 2021
Online WebinarAlways one of our most popular programs, this annual review of new legislation and important court cases will provide you with crucial information that will impact the employment arena in 2021 and beyond.